Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Revolutionary War Patriots buried in Watauga County

One of the first tasks of the Watauga History Hunters was to identify the burial sites of Revolutionary War Patriots in Watauga County. To our best knowledge, no list has ever been produced like this for Watauga County. We believe that these soldiers are buried in Watauga County. Do you know of more? Drop us a line and let us know.

John Adams (1760-1840) -Adams Cemetery, Cove Creek.

William L. Eggers (1747-1833) - Zionville Baptist Church Cemetery.

Jeremiah Greene (1755-1839 - Silverstone Community Cemetery

Richard Greene (1740-1800) - Blowing Rock area

Nathan Horton (1757-1824) - Old Three Forks Baptist Church Cemetery

Edward Moody (1757-1838) - Foscoe Community Cemetery

Ed Sullivan (? - 1794) Mount Bethel United Church of Christ Cemetery, Blowing Rock.


  1. John Adams and his wife were moved from John Adams Cemetery to Mount Lawn in Boone. The family was concerned about the care of the Cemetery after they could no longer do it.

  2. I believe my ancestors, William Whittington (buried at Adams Cemetery) were original settlers and revolutionary war patriots.
